BLUE OCTOBER PledgeMusic campaign mercoledì, 3 aprile 2013 00:50 by madseason
blue october pledgemusic campaign

weChameleon's favourites Blue October have launched a PledgeMusic campaign to help fund their new album:

"As many of you may know, we have already begun work on our new album. You may also know that a couple years ago we left the "major label system" in the music industry and are now a fully independent band, working for ourselves and investing in ourselves.

That investment takes a good deal of time, effort and teamwork to make the album we want to make for you and release it globally. That’s why we’ve partnered with PledgeMusic to allow us all to work together in making and promoting our new album."

Read more about this campaign at the project's page clicking on the image above. And don't forget to make your pledge!