LITTLE HURT: My Head Hurts Friday, 13 November 2020 17:25 by madseason
Little Hurt - My Head Hurts

2020 has been a year of trials and tribulations. So many things have impacted us all: Covid-19, a crashing economy, political turmoil, and overall stress and strife. So it's fitting that as this year winds down, Little Hurt sums up this angsty time period with a banger we can all sing along, move and get our collective frustrations out to, My Head Hurts. The song is now available world-wide and will be included on a new EP Every Second slated for release on January 29th, 2021.

With a sing-along chorus and blazing guitars atop a background of a bouncing, infectious rhythm Little Hurt's Colin Dieden (The Mowgli's) explains "I wrote 'My Head Hurts' kind of out of necessity. This has been an incredibly tough year - for everyone. And I'm no exception. So many life changing events took place for me in such a short period of time and there were moments where I felt kind of hopeless". He continues "I really just needed to yell into a microphone and play my guitar really loud and that's what I did. I think anyone hearing this song will be able to apply it to whatever is happening in their own lives and even the state of the world."

My Head Hurts is now available to stream and download on digital music platforms worldwide. Check it out clicking on the image.